Top Reasons Why You Need a Formal Teaching Plan About the Holocaust

While it is true that all aspects of history should be talked about and discussed in educational settings, it is also true that some subjects should take precedence over others. This is why it is important to have a Holocaust teaching plan in place. There are many reasons why this is so.

You Can Be Preapred

The first reason for a teaching plan about the Holocaust is that you will be prepared before you enter the classroom. Instead of just winging it and touching upon whatever comes to your mind, you can have a structured lesson in place where you can more comfortably answer when they are asked.

Age Appropriate

While it is very helpful to teach children of all ages about the Holocaust, the manner in which you discuss it should certainly be appropriate for the class being taught. Having a plan in place makes it easier to tailor things in advance.

Use Documentaries

There are many good documentaries out there that are all about the horrors of the Holocaust. However, some of them can get quite graphic, which some parents may not approve of. By having a teaching plan in place, you can send home slips that give the parents the option of opting out of viewing the documentaries if they so choose.

Stronger Teaching

Of course, having a Holocaust teaching plan just strengthens the teaching of the subject matter in general. Students will be more likely to focus on the subject matter.

If you are interested in learning more about lesson plans concerning the Holocaust, please contact ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum at

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