4 Subjects to Contemplate and Study Surrounding the Holocaust

The tragedies that occurred during the Holocaust cannot be forgotten. From this dark period in history, there are plenty of stories about triumph and strength. Holocaust survivor stories are documented in many formats so that future generations can learn and reflect on the events. Here are four ideas people can study from this situation.


Holocaust survivor stories highlight the values of humanity. From the records, there are examples of people being stripped of their basic human rights. This went against most of the population’s values, but was able to happen, nonetheless. Memoirs from this time depict that even under adversity great strength can come from sticking to your values,


Political power can create and destroy societies. During the Holocaust, powerful individuals and organizations used their might to break down neighborhoods and societal structures, emotionally and physically. Even in the bleakest of hours, many influential leaders inside the concentration camps kept hope alive and continued to give their people faith and a reason to push on.


Tolerance is a skill that historians can teach with the stories from Nazi Germany. The records show what can happen if tolerance is not encouraged and developed in all cultures. Human rights are just that, and the Holocaust is a painful reminder of what intolerance breeds.


The world became engaged and involved nearing the end of the war, but the Holocaust survivor stories show that many groups were quietly working inside their communities to assist others on various levels since the beginning. These stories teach an important lesson for standing up for what is right and speaking out about.

Today, the Holocaust survivors are engaging by sharing their experiences before, during, and after this humanitarian crisis. For more information about these documentations, contact ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum at https://zachorlearn.org.

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